I'm Roman Kochegarov
Creative Developer
This site was made as a portfolio.
Here you can learn about the technologies I have studied,
my work experience, and just have a look around.
Current Work (in Scrile)
Product WebVideo: live broadcasts
sale of different types of content (photo, video, audio, text)
- creating a user interface for controlling live broadcasts
- development of platform functionality for content commercialization
- development of new addons and expanding the functionality of existing addons
- setting up and debugging live broadcasts
- optimization of performance and content loading
- integration of payment systems, including cryptocurrency ones
Current Work
(in Scrile)
Educational projects
creating a user interface for controlling live broadcasts
the front-end part of the addon is developed in vue
Stories addon
creating a user interface for creating, editing, publishing stories
Schedule addon
creating a plugin for viewing past streams and scheduled streamer meetings
The front-end part of the addon was developed in view, for training purposes it was rewritten in react
FullStack magicflowersomsk.ru
Front-end development in React / TypeScript. Backend Django.
FullStack ИТУ
Front-end development using React/TypeScript. Backend Django. The site was developed from scratch. The site was implemented according to the technical specifications.
FullStack разработчик
Учитель информатики
Учитель информатики